If you work at a large enterprise, small business or if you’re an entrepreneur, you recognize the need to expand your support system.
When you meet someone you think would be a great connection at a conference, through an introduction, or at a networking event...
A good rule of thumb is to use the 1/7/21 approach to follow up.
1. Email your contact on day 1
(preferably using video email) within 24 hours of meeting them.
2. Follow up with them 7 days later
Offer assistance or provide them with a tool, technique or invitation to help them in some way.
3. Connect again in 21 days
Strengthen the connection and offer a way to say connected.
During my 25th Business Anniversary event we scheduled a “Mingle Like You Mean It” Celebration in the evening and challenged attendees to adopt this collaborative 3-step approach to expand their network and accelerate business growth.
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